Monday, March 30, 2009

@ the 33

33 Revolution was a great place. Here are the two sketches I did while I was there. The third image is the page I was drawing the foreground characters for. The parents still need some work, but I'm getting there...


  1. nice! love the expression and body language of the little girl with the clown.

  2. Thanks! The wrier thought she looked a little to evil, so I tried to tone it down on the second run. The clown is actually a height chart saying she can't ride the coaster. I'll be putting all the pieces together soon...

  3. haha, that's the same problem i had on the kids book that i've been working on, my drawings kept ending up being too scary, and she wanted cuter.. it all worked out in the end though, probably for the better.
    i do like the expression on the second drawing too though, she definitely looks less evil.
